Decimal To Binary

Decimal to Binary Converter

Decimal to Binary Converter

About This Converter

A Decimal to Binary Converter is a tool or algorithm that facilitates the conversion of decimal numbers (base-10) into binary numbers (base-2). In computing and digital systems, binary representation is commonly used because it aligns with the binary nature of electronic circuits. Understanding the process of converting decimal to binary is essential in various computer science and programming applications.

Here’s a brief explanation of the Decimal to Binary conversion process:

  1. Divide by 2:
    • Start by dividing the decimal number by 2.
    • Record the quotient and the remainder.
  2. Repeat Division:
    • Continue the division process, using the quotient from the previous step as the new dividend.
    • Record each quotient and remainder until the quotient becomes 0.
  3. Read in Reverse:
    • The remainders obtained in each division, read in reverse order, give the binary representation.
  4. Result:
    • The binary representation is the sequence of remainders obtained, read in reverse order.

For example, converting the decimal number 25 to binary involves the following steps:

  • 25 ÷ 2 = 12 with a remainder of 1
  • 12 ÷ 2 = 6 with a remainder of 0
  • 6 ÷ 2 = 3 with a remainder of 0
  • 3 ÷ 2 = 1 with a remainder of 1
  • 1 ÷ 2 = 0 with a remainder of 1

Reading the remainders in reverse order (bottom to top), the binary representation is 11001. Therefore, the decimal number 25 is equivalent to 11001 in binary.

Decimal to Binary conversion is fundamental in computer programming, especially in tasks involving bitwise operations, binary arithmetic, and memory manipulation. Many programming languages provide built-in functions or methods to convert decimal numbers to binary representations, making it easier for developers to work with binary data.

How To Use This Converter?

  1. Enter Decimal Number:
    • In the webpage that opens, you’ll see a prompt to “Enter Decimal Number.”
    • Input the decimal number you want to convert into the provided input field.
  2. Click Convert:
    • Click the “Convert” button after entering the decimal number.
  3. View Result:
    • The binary representation of the entered decimal number will be displayed below the “Convert” button.

For example, if you enter the decimal number 25, the result should show “Binary Representation: 11001.”

Examples To Try

  1. Decimal: 10
    • Binary: 1010
  2. Decimal: 20
    • Binary: 10100
  3. Decimal: 35
    • Binary: 100011
  4. Decimal: 44
    • Binary: 101100
  5. Decimal: 57
    • Binary: 111001
  6. Decimal: 78
    • Binary: 1001110
  7. Decimal: 93
    • Binary: 1011101
  8. Decimal: 105
    • Binary: 1101001
  9. Decimal: 120
    • Binary: 1111000
  10. Decimal: 137
    • Binary: 10001001
  11. Decimal: 150
    • Binary: 10010110
  12. Decimal: 165
    • Binary: 10100101
  13. Decimal: 178
    • Binary: 10110010
  14. Decimal: 195
    • Binary: 11000011
  15. Decimal: 210
    • Binary: 11010010
  16. Decimal: 225
    • Binary: 11100001
  17. Decimal: 236
    • Binary: 11101100
  18. Decimal: 249
    • Binary: 11111001
  19. Decimal: 255
    • Binary: 11111111
  20. Decimal: 312
    • Binary: 100111000

How This Converter Function ?

  1. HTML Structure:
    • The HTML file contains a form with an input field for the decimal number, a “Convert” button, and a paragraph element to display the binary result.
  2. JavaScript Function (convertToBinary):
    • The JavaScript function convertToBinary is called when the “Convert” button is clicked.
    • It retrieves the decimal input value from the input field.
  3. Input Validation:
    • The function checks if the entered value is a valid number using the isNaN function. If the input is not a valid number, it displays an alert and exits the function.
  4. Conversion to Binary:
    • If the input is a valid number, it converts the decimal value to its binary representation using the toString(2) method.
    • The (2) parameter specifies that the conversion should be to base-2 (binary).
  5. Display Result:
    • The binary result is then displayed in the paragraph element with the id “binaryResult.”

Where This Converter Can Be Used ?

  1. Education and Learning:
    • Students studying computer science or digital systems can use this converter as a learning tool to understand the binary representation of decimal numbers.
  2. Programming:
    • Developers can use a decimal to binary converter to verify binary representations during programming tasks, especially when dealing with bitwise operations, binary arithmetic, or low-level data manipulation.
  3. Debugging:
    • During debugging, a converter can be handy to check the binary representation of decimal values and identify any discrepancies or errors in the conversion process.
  4. Digital Electronics:
    • In digital electronics, where signals are typically represented in binary, this converter can help engineers and technicians convert decimal values to their binary equivalents.
  5. Networks and Communication:
    • In networking and communication protocols, understanding binary representation is essential. This converter can be useful for checking and analyzing certain aspects of network data.
  6. Embedded Systems:
    • In embedded systems programming, where resource constraints are common, understanding binary representation is crucial. The converter can assist in dealing with binary data.
  7. Data Storage and Compression:
    • Understanding binary is important in data storage and compression algorithms. This converter can be useful for verifying binary representations in these contexts.
  8. Interviews and Coding Challenges:
    • Job interviews and coding challenges in technical interviews may involve binary representation tasks. A converter can be a helpful tool for candidates preparing for such scenarios.
  9. Online Courses and Tutorials:
    • Online courses and tutorials related to computer science or programming can incorporate a decimal to binary converter as a practical exercise for learners.
  10. Algorithm Development:
    • When developing algorithms that involve binary manipulation or bitwise operations, a converter can be used to test and validate the correctness of the algorithm.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
    <title>Decimal to Binary Converter</title>
    <div class="container">
        <h1>Decimal to Binary Converter</h1>
        <div class="converter">
            <label for="decimalInput">Enter Decimal Number:</label>
            <input type="number" id="decimalInput" placeholder="Enter decimal number">
            <button onclick="convertToBinary()">Convert</button>
            <p id="binaryResult"></p>
    <script src="script.js"></script>
  1. DOCTYPE Declaration:
    • <!DOCTYPE html>: Specifies the document type and version of HTML being used (HTML5 in this case).
  2. HTML Element:
    • <html lang="en">: The root HTML element with the language attribute set to English.
  3. Head Section:
    • <head>: Contains metadata about the HTML document.
    • <meta charset="UTF-8">: Defines the character set for the document (UTF-8).
    • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">: Specifies the viewport properties for responsive design.
    • <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">: Links the HTML file to an external CSS file for styling.
    • <title>Decimal to Binary Converter</title>: Sets the title of the webpage.
  4. Body Section:
    • <body>: Contains the content of the HTML document.
  5. Container Div:
    • <div class="container">: A container div to center the content on the page.
  6. Heading (h1):
    • <h1>Decimal to Binary Converter</h1>: A heading indicating the purpose of the page.
  7. Converter Div:
    • <div class="converter">: Contains the elements related to the converter.
  8. Label Element:
    • <label for="decimalInput">Enter Decimal Number:</label>: Descriptive label for the input field.
  9. Input Element:
    • <input type="number" id="decimalInput" placeholder="Enter decimal number">: Input field where the user can enter a decimal number.
  10. Button Element:
    • <button onclick="convertToBinary()">Convert</button>: Button that triggers the conversion function when clicked.
  11. Result Paragraph (p):
    • <p id="binaryResult"></p>: Placeholder for displaying the binary result.
  12. JavaScript Script Tag:
    • <script src="script.js"></script>: Links the HTML file to an external JavaScript file.
body {
    font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    background-color: #f4f4f4;

.container {
    max-width: 600px;
    margin: 50px auto;
    background-color: #fff;
    padding: 20px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    border-radius: 5px;

h1 {
    text-align: center;
    color: #333;

.converter {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    align-items: center;

label {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

input {
    padding: 8px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    width: 80%;
    box-sizing: border-box;

button {
    padding: 10px;
    background-color: #4caf50;
    color: #fff;
    border: none;
    cursor: pointer;

button:hover {
    background-color: #45a049;

#binaryResult {
    margin-top: 15px;
    font-weight: bold;
  1. CSS Selectors:
    • body, .container, h1, .converter, label, input, button, #binaryResult: Selectors targeting specific HTML elements.
  2. Font Styles:
    • font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;: Specifies the font for the document.
  3. Body Styles:
    • margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #f4f4f4;: Sets margin, padding, and background color for the entire body.
  4. Container Styles:
    • .container: Styles for the container, including maximum width, margin, background color, padding, box-shadow, and border-radius.
  5. Heading Styles:
    • h1: Styles for the heading, including text alignment and color.
  6. Converter Styles:
    • .converter: Styles for the converter div, including display, flex direction, and alignment.
  7. Label and Input Styles:
    • label, input: Styles for label and input elements, including margin, padding, width, and box-sizing.
  8. Button Styles:
    • button: Styles for the button, including padding, background color, color, border, and cursor.
  9. Button Hover Styles:
    • button:hover: Styles for the button when hovered, changing the background color.
  10. Result Paragraph Styles:
    • #binaryResult: Styles for the result paragraph, including margin-top and font-weight.
function convertToBinary() {
    var decimalInput = document.getElementById("decimalInput").value;
    var binaryResult = document.getElementById("binaryResult");

    // Validation: Check if the input is a valid number
    if (isNaN(decimalInput)) {
        alert("Please enter a valid decimal number.");

    // Convert decimal to binary
    var binaryValue = decimalInput.toString(2);

    // Display result
    binaryResult.textContent = "Binary Representation: " + binaryValue;
  1. JavaScript Function:
    • function convertToBinary() {...}: Defines a JavaScript function named convertToBinary.
  2. DOM Manipulation:
    • document.getElementById("decimalInput").value;: Retrieves the value of the input field with the id “decimalInput.”
  3. Input Validation:
    • if (isNaN(decimalInput)) { ... }: Checks if the input is not a valid number and displays an alert if true.
  4. Convert to Binary:
    • var binaryValue = decimalInput.toString(2);: Converts the decimal input to its binary representation using the toString(2) method.
  5. Display Result:
    • binaryResult.textContent = "Binary Representation: " + binaryValue;: Displays the binary result in the HTML paragraph with the id “binaryResult.”

How To Implement

Implementing this Confidence Interval Calculator on WordPress involves a few steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Access WordPress Admin Dashboard

Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.

2. Create a New Page

Navigate to Pages > Add New in the WordPress admin.

Give your page a title, such as “Confidence Interval Calculator.”

3. Switch to HTML Editor

On the page editor, switch to the HTML editor. Look for a tab that says “HTML” or “Code.”

4. Copy HTML Code

Copy the entire HTML code (from <!DOCTYPE html> to the closing </html>) from your index.html file.

5. Paste HTML Code

Paste the copied HTML code into the HTML editor of your WordPress page.

6. Add CSS

Copy the entire CSS code (from the <style> tag in the styles.css file) and paste it into the WordPress page’s HTML editor, preferably within the <head> section.

7. Add JavaScript

Copy the entire JavaScript code (from the <script> tag in the script.js file) and paste it into the WordPress page’s HTML editor, preferably just before the closing </body> tag.

8. Save and Publish

Save the changes to your WordPress page.

Click the “Publish” button to make the page live.

9. View Your Page

Visit the page on your WordPress site to see the Confidence Interval Calculator in action.

Additional Considerations:

  • WordPress Theme Compatibility: Ensure that your WordPress theme supports the custom styles and scripts you’ve added. If needed, you may have to adjust styles to fit seamlessly with your theme.
  • Plugin Usage: If you find that directly pasting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into the page editor is causing issues, consider using a plugin like “Insert Headers and Footers” to add your custom code.
  • Responsive Design: Check if the calculator layout is responsive. If not, you might need to make adjustments to the CSS for better responsiveness.
  • Debugging: If something doesn’t work as expected, use the browser’s developer tools (usually accessible by right-clicking on the page and selecting “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”) to check for errors in the console tab.

By following these steps, you should be able to implement the Confidence Interval Calculator on your WordPress site. Remember to test the calculator thoroughly to ensure it functions correctly within the WordPress environment.


  1. Q: What is Decimal to Binary conversion?
    • A: Decimal to Binary conversion is the process of converting a decimal (base-10) number to its equivalent binary (base-2) representation.
  2. Q: Why is binary representation important in computing?
    • A: Binary is fundamental in computing because digital systems, including computers, use binary to represent and process data at the electronic level.
  3. Q: How does the Decimal to Binary conversion algorithm work?
    • A: The algorithm involves repeated division by 2, recording remainders at each step, and reading the remainders in reverse order to obtain the binary representation.
  4. Q: In what scenarios would someone need to convert decimals to binary?
    • A: Decimal to Binary conversion is commonly used in computer programming, digital electronics, networking, and any field where binary representation is relevant.
  5. Q: Can you provide an example of Decimal to Binary conversion?
    • A: For example, converting the decimal number 25 to binary involves the steps: 11001.
  6. Q: Why is base-2 (binary) used in computers instead of base-10 (decimal)?
    • A: Computers use binary because it aligns with the on/off nature of electronic circuits, making it more efficient for digital systems.
  7. Q: What is the purpose of the HTML file in the Decimal to Binary Converter?
    • A: The HTML file provides the structure of the webpage, including input fields, buttons, and areas to display results.
  8. Q: What role does CSS play in the Decimal to Binary Converter?
    • A: CSS styles the HTML elements, providing visual presentation and enhancing the user interface of the converter.
  9. Q: How does JavaScript contribute to the Decimal to Binary Converter?
    • A: JavaScript adds functionality and interactivity to the converter, allowing dynamic conversion of decimal numbers to binary without requiring a page refresh.
  10. Q: What happens if you enter a non-numeric value in the input field?
    • A: The converter performs input validation and displays an alert, prompting the user to enter a valid decimal number.
  11. Q: Why is there a “Convert” button in the Decimal to Binary Converter?
    • A: The “Convert” button triggers the JavaScript function that performs the actual conversion when clicked by the user.
  12. Q: Can you customize the appearance of the Decimal to Binary Converter using CSS?
    • A: Yes, you can modify the CSS styles to change colors, fonts, layout, and other visual aspects of the converter.
  13. Q: How does the converter handle negative decimal numbers?
    • A: The provided converter does not handle negative decimal numbers. Additional validation and modification would be needed for that scenario.
  14. Q: Is there a limit to the size of the decimal number that can be converted?
    • A: The converter’s ability to handle large numbers depends on the limitations of JavaScript’s numerical precision.
  15. Q: Can the Decimal to Binary Converter be integrated into other web applications?
    • A: Yes, the converter’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components can be adapted and integrated into other web applications.
  16. Q: Are there alternative methods for Decimal to Binary conversion?
    • A: Yes, there are various algorithms and programming language functions/libraries that can be used for Decimal to Binary conversion.
  17. Q: How does the converter handle floating-point decimal numbers?
    • A: The provided converter does not handle floating-point numbers. Modification would be required to accommodate decimal fractions.
  18. Q: Is Decimal to Binary conversion reversible?
    • A: Yes, the binary representation can be converted back to decimal using a reverse process, known as Binary to Decimal conversion.
  19. Q: How would you enhance the Decimal to Binary Converter for real-world use?
    • A: Enhancements could include error handling, support for negative numbers, a more polished user interface, and additional features like hexadecimal conversion.
  20. Q: What are some practical applications of understanding Decimal to Binary conversion in programming?
    • A: Practical applications include bitwise operations, manipulation of binary data, addressing in memory management, and network protocols that use binary representations.